Licensed Locksmith near Elko, NV 89801. Elko Locksmith.
Locksmith in Elko NV, Ely NV,Spring Creek NV, Wells NV, & West Wendover NV, Wendover UT.
Locksmith in Elko NV, Locksmith near Elko NV

Mobile Locksmith Service

(435) 228-8837

We are a professional Mobile Locksmith specialist in vehicle keys, fob controls, smart, proximity keys, key programming, remote (auto) starts, along with all key lost situations, We can make new keys in affordable prices.
Serving Elko County since 2016, we service the following cities: Carlin, Ely, Elko, Jackpot, McGill, Montello, Spring Creek, Wells & Wendover.

Elko County Locksmith Services

There’s nothing worse than locking yourself out of your car and having nowhere to turn. It’s frustrating, stressful, and sometimes can be downright dangerous. That’s why at M2 Keys, we provide quick and reliable services so you never feel alone in a moment of need. We want to make sure your entire process is stress free and simple. Give us a call we will help you with damages, lost keys, extra spare key, smart & proximity key.
We have the right tools for programming.

Our experienced professional locksmiths are trained to handle all types locksmith calls, including: Lockouts / Openings Automobile / Car Entry / Spare Keys / Damage Key / Transponder / FOB Remotes / Smart Keys & All Key Lost Situation
**Remote Start & Car Alarms
We also install Remote (Auto) Star & Car Alarms we have different kits from simple kits all the way to top of the line, also we install Drone Mobile for the best quote contact us.

Give us a call or text us @ (435) 228-8837

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